Choosing the right school for your child(ren) is a big decision. At Sea Crest, 我们从入学过程开始就与您合作,并在此回答您的任何问题. For some of the most commonly asked questions, read below.
- Do you accept students in later grades? Yes. 每年我们都有一些学生过渡到我们的高年级. 是否学生搬到海冠是因为他们的家人是新来的, or because their previous school wasn’t meeting their needs, 新生(和他们的家庭)很快就能在我们热情的社区找到一个地方.
Can students transfer mid-year? Can you accommodate short-term placements? Yes. Some grades do have space for mid-year additions. 如果您正在寻求转移到海冠年中或短期安置,请联系 admission@zaccariaspa.net to confirm if the grade in which you are interested has openings.
How old must my child be to apply? 我们的初级幼儿园(JK)计划是开放给四岁的孩子在学校的第一天. Prospective Kindergarten (K) students who are not quite five, but show developmental readiness for kindergarten, can be considered for admission.
Is Tuition Assistance Available? Yes. In the interest of creating a socioeconomically diverse community, 我们学校的学费是基于一个灵活的模式,每个家庭的贡献可以根据他们的支付能力进行调整. For more information, keep reading.
I'm not sure Sea Crest is the right school for my family, can I just visit the school before any commitment? Yes. 请随时安排参观或与我们的招生部门联系. We will be more than happy to answer any questions.
- How is eligibility for flexible tuition determined? Once students are admitted, 灵活学费委员会审查申请,并根据家庭的特殊需求和学校的灵活学费政策和预算确定适当的奖励.
- Does my family earn too much money to apply for flexible tuition? 获得灵活学费补助的家庭的收入水平差别很大. We strive to make sure that we can meet demonstrated financial need, 收入相同、子女数量相同的家庭可以根据个人情况获得不同的援助奖励.
- 如果我申请弹性学费,会影响我孩子的入学机会吗? No. 灵活的学费申请与入学申请分开提交. 招生委员会不知道哪些学生申请弹性学费.
- e世博esball大学的灵活学费申请和资助过程是否保密? Yes, only the Flexible Tuition Committee, comprised of school administrators, reviews applications and decides grants.
- Is flexible tuition automatically renewed each year? No. 每个灵活学费的家庭必须连续每一年重新申请. 每年对灵活的学费计划进行调整, 取决于家庭情况和学校资源的变化.
- 如果我离婚了或者分居了,我们都需要提交我们的财务信息吗? Yes. 无论法律安排如何,父母/监护人都应该承担学费. Non-custodial parents, as well as parents who are divorced, separated, or never married need to submit the required paperwork.
- What happens with children after school? Sea Crest offers a comprehensive Extended Day Program (EDP), also known as JAWS, which daily offers a number of enrichment courses like drama, music, chess, and robotics, as well as study halls, healthy snacks, and free play time. 我们的许多家庭以折扣率定期注册,但也可以加入. This program runs until 6:00 p.m. to support our families.
- How does the school handle bullying? 因为我们的许多学生在小学和中学都和我们在一起, we have a chance to build a strong sense of community, so bullying is an infrequent problem. 我们的社交情感课程非常强调解决冲突的技巧. If hurtful words or actions do arise, 我们的员工都在一栋楼里,可以对情况做出快速反应,并适当地改变行为.
- Does the school provide hot-lunch? 我们很幸运地与当地一家公司合作,为选择使用它们的家庭提供热午餐. The program is flexible and you can place your order up to 6:00 a.m. on the day of or set a recurring order. 应用程序中有多种选项可供选择,适合任何常见的饮食限制.
hot lunch program
- Do students use technology in classrooms? Yes. 我们以适合发展的方式结合技术,以符合我们服务21世纪学习者的使命. 除了我们的创新实验室,在那里学生们可以接触到像3d打印这样的新技术, 我们jk -1年级有平板电脑用于脚手架活动,我们的2 -4年级教室配备了笔记本电脑. Starting in Upper School 5th-8th, each student uses their own laptop for in-class work and homework, and students take Computer Science and Robotics. The school has a firm no cell phone policy during the school day.
How does the school support students with learning differences? 我们的小班教学使Sea Crest的环境非常适合有轻微学习差异的学生,因为他们可以得到老师的实际关注和关注. 教师也将围绕差异化获得广泛的专业发展. For students with more significant learning differences, 在需要的时候,我们有校内空间供他们与私人专家会面.
- What is the volunteer commitment for parents? 由于我们的父母每年为我们所有的项目和活动提供数千小时的时间,Sea Crest已经蓬勃发展. 尽管每个家庭每年都有20个小时的志愿服务时间, most families easily exceed that requirement for “Honorable Hours.”
What is an Independent School? As an Independent school, 我们不受国家课程规定或任何宗教团体要求的约束. Instead, we are accountable directly to our families and our board. This allows for flexibility to offer new and diverse content, adjust to the needs of our children, and attract top talent to our classrooms. 这所学校是一个非营利性实体,完全由学费和我们社区的慷慨捐助资助.
What is the school’s approach to diversity? We celebrate diversity at Sea Crest. 我们尽可能地努力吸引各种各样的人加入我们的学校社区. 我们的社会情感学习(SEL)课程也是赋予学生拥抱和庆祝差异的很大一部分. 从我们的课程计划到我们在校园里读的书,再到我们与他人互动的方式, 多元化和包容性是我们的首要工作.
Where do Students attend High School? 大约40%的学生在毕业后就读半月湾高中. 其余的人在该地区的其他独立学校和教会学校攻读高中文凭, from Notre Dame Belmont and Serra to Mercy and Lick Wilmerding, an important number of schools from San Francisco to Silicon Valley.
Portrait of a graduate
Does the student body have families from outside Half Moon Bay?
大约三分之二的家庭来自半月湾. 我们的许多家庭来自帕西菲卡、圣马特奥、佩斯卡德罗或该地区的其他城镇.